Weekend DIY: Rake Repurpose

Gardening, Weekend DIY

The summer may be half way done, but is your summer to-do list?  Organization is always at the top of many people’s to-do lists, especially if they have an unorganized garden area or tell shed!  Why not cross one more thing of that list with this creative organization idea, found on the blog Two Doors Down Directory, from Better Homes and Gardens.

Garden Rake Repurpose
(Photo Source: Better Homes and Gardens)

Here’s what you need: One rake head, 1-2 screws.

Here’s how you do it: Decide where you want to hang your rake organizer: on a wall, a door, window sill?  The location is important for understanding the type of support your project will need.  If you plan to hang it on a wall, be sure to find wall studs or use anchors to secure your screws.  After you’ve chosen your location, find the center of balance for your rake.  This will be the locations near the edge of the rake that you will place the screws to hang and balance your rake.  Or, simply use a single screw to balance your rake using the top crook, where the metal would join the wood handle.  Now just put your screws in the wall, hang your rake, and organize!

Happy Weekend!