Inspire Me: Sheds

Curb Appeal, Pin Inspiration

That eye-sore in the back of your yard that holds the mower, rake, garden tools and your kids’ toys – yeah, what people call a shed. When most people think of a shed, there unfortunately usually is not a pleasant association with them – usually your neighbor complains when a new one is put in or they complain that your current shed looks dumpy and unkempt. However, this doesn’t have to be the case anymore.

We’ve found some of the coolest sheds around and are sharing them with you to inspire you to make yours look more attractive. Improving the look of your shed may also increase your home value and curb appeal!

garden shed inspiration
(1. Pinterest 2.Better Homes & Gardens 3. Better Homes & Gardens 4. Better Homes & Gardens 5. Ana Rosa 6. Better Homes & Gardens 7. Better Homes & Gardens 8. Better Homes & Gardens 9. Better Homes & Gardens 10. Better Homes & Gardens 11. Better Homes and Gardens)

Do you have a photo of your shed you’d like to share? If so leave us a comment below!

Weekend DIY: House Numbers

Curb Appeal, Weekend DIY

Looking for an excuse to enjoy a bit of the warmer weather that has graced most of us over the past few days? How about spending some time this weekend improving your curb appeal by giving your house numbers a makeover? And what’s even better, this unique DIY is budget-friendly!

We came across this simple and classy Do-It-Yourself Nail House Numbers from the blog, StinkerPants. The blog’s writer, Sara, saw this tack artwork and then used the same idea with nails on her fence post. All you need to complete this project are: nails, hammer, needle-nose pliers and a print off of the numbers you’d like to transpose onto your location.  You could easily use this technique on a wooden mailbox post, a fence post, or if you have wood siding (basically anything you can hammer a nail into)! To read the entire DIY project, visit her blogpost.

Also, once you get the nails all hammered in, you could string thread around the nails for a different look, like Amanda did from the blog, Our Humble Abowed.

If you’re not good with a hammer and are still looking for ways to jazz up your house numbers, check out these other ideas we came across as well, such as house numbers made of turf, pumpkins, plates, pots, moss, and etched glass!

(1. Better Homes & Gardens  2. Firmly Planted 3. Sunset Magazine 4. Gluesticks 5. Country Living 6. Crafting a Green World)

Happy Weekend and DIY-ing!