Weekend DIY: Outdoor Centerpieces

It’s just a few days away until May begins – and that means: Mother’s Day, Weddings, Graduation Parties, and plain ol’ outdoor get-togethers! There’s usually lots of planning involved for these events, such as food or catering, activities, invitations, guest lists, decor and more. Hopefully we can save you one of those steps by showing you this great and easy outdoor DIY centerpiece we found on the blog for Chatelaine, a Canadian Magazine.

This quick ten minute project will add a natural touch to your event. Here is what you need for one centerpiece: one small wooden tray, six cans of varying sizes (use aluminum soup cans w/ the label removed), one handful of rocks, and six succulents (two of each variety). If you need more than one centerpiece, multiply these supplies by the number needed.

(Photo Source: Roberto Caruso / Chatelaine)

Here are some simple steps: 1.) Find old aluminum cans and remove their labels. 2.) Pick out succulents from a local garden center, making sure to get a variety for best results. Also make sure they aren’t too large for fitting into the cans you’ve prepared. 3.) Plant each succulent in a can. 4.) Arrange the cans on the wooden tray. 5.) Scatter rocks in between and around the cans in the wooden tray.

To add more color, you could spray-paint the cans any color you’d like!

Happy Weekend!

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