Weekend DIY: Backyard Zipline

We having a feeling that after you build this DIY project your yard will become the neighborhood kids’ favorite backyard – whether that’s a good thing or bad thing, your kids will totally love you!

Now you’re probably sweating trying to figure out what this project is, and you may just sweat while doing this too. Your weekend project is… *drumroll* creating a Backyard Zipline – from the blog How Does She. Seriously, how cool would that be. It’s like your little sliver of Hawaii in your own backyard! Not only will your kids love you for making this, this would totally be fun for you to try out as well :)

(Photos: How Does She)

Here is what you’ll need to complete this project: Dowel for the handle, a pulley, and a rope. The instructions for this are very simple and easy, but we’ll let you head on over to the How Does She blog for all the details!

Happy Weekend and Happy Labor Day!

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