Ways to Update your Mailbox

Usually neglected and worn-down, mailboxes aren’t the first thing you think of improving when you think about curb appeal. Time to change that! We’ve searched high and low throughout the internet to provide ways you can easily improve the look of your mailbox.

Paint your Mailbox
A simple spray paint can go a long way to restore your mailbox on the outside. Also, ditch the traditional red flag and opt for another bolder color! Even if you have a mailbox that is attached to your house, a bold “hello” makes an entrance more welcome.

(Source: HGTV)

Cheerful Mailbox
(Source: Better Homes & Garden)

Add a House Number or Name Decal
Add a personal touch to your mailbox by adding vinyl decals. You can do numerous things: your house numbers, street address, or your name. Places like Etsy allow you to customize the decal for an inexpensive upgrade.

SALE- Custom Mailbox Address Vinyl Decal with Your Choice of Font, Flourish, Text, and Color- Buy 2 Get 1 Free
(Source: Etsy)

Plant a Garden Around your Mailbox
Spring to Fall, there is plenty of beauty to surround your mailbox with. In spring, use tulips and daffodils, summer plant annuals annuals and fall should bring mums. Finish it up by adding mulch and a stone border around it.

(Source: Young House Love)

Add Flower Boxes
Give your mail some company! Install flower boxes next to the box, on each side, or behind it. Either you can rig your own or many stores sell boxes you can attach easily. Again with each season, be sure to swap out the flowers for color Spring until Fall.

Mailbox flowers(Source: Pinterest)

Update the Post
So now your mailbox looks great, but the actual post could also use some work? If so, tackle this DIY from FreshHomeIdeas on how to make your own decorative and functional mailbox post.

(Source: FreshHomeIdeas)

And if your mailbox is beyond updating and it needs an fresh start, you can usually find one at big box or local hardware stores for under or around $100 then add these personal touches for a greater improvement. One thing is certain, your mailman/woman will notice!

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