Our Top 5 Gifts for 2012

Gifts, Outdoor Decor, Store

The countdown is on…Only 2 weeks until Christmas! Maybe you’ve been wondering what to get that special garden or outdoor lover in your life. Well wonder no more! We’ve put together our list of our top-selling items this holiday season to help make your shopping even easier. But you’ll need to hurry — orders must be placed by December 16th for delivery in time for Christmas!

top 5 garden gifts

Source List: 1. Rain Chains 2. Amaryllis Trio 3. Cobalt Blue Strawberry Planter 4. Garden Hook 5. Muscari Forcing Kit 

Happy Shopping!

Weekend DIY: Gift Tags Inspired from the Outdoors

Outdoor Decor, Outdoor Party, Weekend DIY

Christmas is just around the corner and the season of giving is here!  Whether you have all of your Christmas shopping done or you haven’t even started, you can begin checking one thing off your list today: holiday gift tags! We’ve seen so many amazing ideas on pinterest for gift tags, everything from scrabble letters, ornaments, crossword puzzles and more. We figured we’d share with you an easy gift tag idea that brings the outdoors inside this holiday season. These unique gift tags come from the Frolic! blog. After finishing the project, head on over to their blog for more inspiring floral arrangements, decoration ideas and style tips!

Holiday cards
Frolic! Blog

If there are any Santa believers in your home, you may have to do this weekend DIY in a closet, but otherwise you can start off your wrapping with these outdoors inspired wreath gift tags!

Here are the supplies you’ll need: spool of wire, greens (Frolic! used boxwood, oregonia, rosemary, myrtle, seeded eucalyptus), clippers, floral tape, twine, card stock, and a scissors.

How to make the wreaths:
No. 1 // Make a small, round shape by twisting a couple pieces of wire together. Our wreaths are about 1″ in diameter.
No. 2 // Clip pieces of greens, removing leaves from the bottom inch of the stem.
No. 3 // Twist the greens around the wire until it is covered.
No. 4 // Keep twisting small pieces of greens around the form, securing them under the other stems as you go. Secure with wire or floral tape if they need extra reinforcement.
No. 5 // Clip any stray stems that disfigure the shape of the wreath.

How to make the cards: 
No. 1 // Cut a square of card stock (around 2″ x 3″ or whatever fits your wreath best) and punch a small hole in the center, top of the card.
No. 2 // Stamp the card with a custom stamp or buy one ready-made. Or if you are into unique handwriting try finding some inspiration for pinterest.
No. 3 // Attach a mini wreath by tying a piece of twine through the hole.

homemade christmas card
Frolic! Blog

We love the simplicity of these and how just a little touch of greenery is such a classy way to adorn your gifts this season.

Happy Weekend!

Inspiration: Outdoor Christmas Lights

Curb Appeal, Lighting, Outdoor Decor, Pin Inspiration

Each weekend more and more houses are getting decked out for the holidays with Christmas lights and outdoor holiday decor. If your house isn’t one of them, it’s time to get your Clark Griswold on and hop on that roof!  And when you are done, relax and enjoy the Christmas classic, Christmas Vacation with some hot cocoa.

If you need a bit of inspiration, check out these over the top Christmas Lights caught on video! And wondering whether LED lights are worth the extra cost compared to the traditional lights? Apartment Therapy did the math and they have determined LED lights in the end save you money, read more on their blog.

Weekend DIY: Add Privacy to your Front Door

Before & After, Curb Appeal, Outdoor Decor, Pin Inspiration, Weekend DIY

Have you watched a scary movie or tv show lately? You know, the kind that makes you have that creepy un-easy feeling that someone is just outside your home, staring into your living room while you go about your life?  Or it makes you second guess every action you do in fear of the neighbors thinking you’re crazy?  And now with the sun rising later and setting earlier, it seems as though it is always dark when you are at home – dark before you leave for work, dark when you get home – you have the urge to add some extra added  privacy to your windows…blinds, curtains or the like. And you better do it FAST, before they get you! ;)

While blinds and curtains work well for windows throughout your home, putting blinds on your front door can seem a bit gaudy or just not as classy as you’d like. We have the perfect DIY idea that quickly transforms the “dark unknown” into a graphical focus in your entryway! This DIY comes from one of our team members who wanted to add some privacy to her front door after removing some blinds that once filled the window on the door.

She got the window idea from the blog, 7th House on the Left, who even provides a handy template for the cut-out shape, to help your cutting go easier and faster. Also, by reading the comments on the blog, you’ll learn a lot of bonus tips. The blogger transformed her front door (with half a window) by applying contact paper in a unique Moroccan shape to the window to give it a faux-etched look.

Our team member, Vanessa, tried this same effect, applying it to her completely glass front door. Check out the finished look below – talk about a unique entryway that provides privacy but still allows a lot of light in! Here are her summarized instructions, but you can feel free to also head to the 7th House on the Left blog for more information!

add privacy to windows with contact paper

What you’ll need: 1 roll of contact paper (find at any big box store), template provided, cardboard or cereal box, black marker, scissors, tape measure, exacto knife/utility knife and a dry erase marker.

1. Print out the template provided by 7th House on the Left blog.
2. Cut out the shape and transfer it to a thicker paper, such as a cereal box or other piece of cardboard.
3. Trace out as many shapes as your heart desires onto the back (or paper) side of the contact paper. Our team member found that drawing 8 of the shape, and then cutting out those provided the easiest route. Since the paper has been rolled up, it tends to want to keep rolling, so only having 8 keeps it much more manageable.
4. Once you have a decent amount cut out, you’ll need to measure your space and gauge how many more you’ll be needing.
5. The first time Vanessa counted how many she’d need, she was way off – you’ll soon see how many more you need and how you can use bits and pieces of them to fit around the edges.
6. Measure your window and mark the exact middle (vertically and horizontally) with a dry erase marker on the opposite side of window.
7. Start your first shape in the exact center and then apply the first column going up and down. It’s best to do a complete column first, also keeping about 1/2 an inch between the tops and bottoms. This will allow for the best possible spacing throughout your window which helps to keep things consistent.
8. Keep applying more and more until it’s covered. Vanessa found that hers wasn’t perfect due to the fact it’s handmade, each cut being unique. But from a few feet away, she says, you can’t even tell and it just looks AWESOME!
9. Once you’re done, use a credit card to smooth out any tough bubbles that may have formed. Also, use the utility knife to trim the excess from shapes around the edges.
10. Sit back and enjoy (without being terrified of the unknown that lurks outside!)

The best part about this, is that it’s only about $3 to create and it’s removable if you decide later on that you’d like to switch things up! It also adds a very classy touch to your home when viewing it from the outside. Thanks to the 7th House on the Left blog for inspiring us!

Happy Weekend!

Guest Blog: Flower Bulb Forcing

Garden Spaces, Gardening, Outdoor Decor, Store

Guest Blogger, Gabrielle from the blog FlowerBulbCrazy is here to share some unique ideas and tips for forcing bulbs this winter. After she is done sharing, head on over to her blog to check out other great ideas and tips on gardening with flower bulbs!

There are so many people who really miss out on spring blooming bulbs… people who live in the warmer zones and think it’s too warm to plant!  And then there are people like me who long for winter to be over and want flowers 24/7. Typically, growing flower bulbs is almost fool proof, but forcing bulbs takes a little more time and attention. Forcing bulbs is the term used for mimicking what normally happens to bulbs when planted outdoors.  It is a process that stimulates bulbs to bloom out of season.

The most common and easiest bulbs to force are:  narcissus/daffodilsamaryllismuscari, crocus and hyacinths.  Daffodils and tulips are not too difficult either, but choose shorter and earlier blooming varieties (Triumph, Single Early and Darwin Hybrid varieties) for the best outcome.   Generally, spring flowering bulbs usually require about 10-14 weeks at temperatures between 41-48°F in order to bloom and grow properly come springtime. Check out the chart below for the approximate number of “chilling” weeks required and number of weeks to bloom for different varieties of flower bulbs.

Name of bulb                         Weeks of cold                    Weeks to bloom

AmaryllisNone6 to 10
Crocus152 to 3
Hyacinths11 to 142 to 3
Muscari13 to 152 to 3
Narcissus/Daffodils15 to 172 to 3
Paper-whitesNone3 to 5
Tulips15 to 202 to 3

Pot your bulbs right away if you have an appropriate location immediately available, such as a refrigerator, a root cellar, cool basement, or outdoors if temps are below 48°F. When storing pots outdoors for the cold period, be sure that if temps drop below 30°F that you cover them with some type of insulation. If you can’t plant them immediately, bare bulbs can be stored in a mesh bag or paper bag with holes that permit ventilation for several weeks in a refrigerator prior to potting without damage. Note: Do not store them in same vicinity as fruit, as the ripening process can negatively affect the quality of the bulbs.

Use clean pots with drainage holes and regular potting soil. Make sure you allow for 2 inches of soil below the bulb and select a pot large enough to allow the top of the bulb to be even with the rim when placed on the soil. The bulbs should be touching each other for the best look when blooming. Water them well after planting in order to settle the soil.

The bulbs will begin to flower anywhere from 2-5 weeks after they have been brought into warmer temperatures, provided they have been given the recommended number of weeks of cool temperature (see chart above). If you have a set time when you want them to bloom, make sure you add the flowering period to the rooting/cold period for the total number of weeks to wait. Amaryllis and Paper-whites do not need this cold period.

These next steps would be ideal for the best and most perfect blooms.
Move your pots to an indoor area with indirect sunlight and temperatures about 60°F for a week or two. When the above plant growth is 4-6 inches tall, move the pots to a bright, sunny window to stimulate blooming. A temperature of about 68°F and direct sunlight would be ideal. When you see the color on the buds, return the plants to indirect sunlight to make the blossoms last as long as possible. Keep the soil moist at all times.

After blooming, hardy bulbs such as hyacinths and tulips cannot be forced again and should be discarded. They can also be instead planted outdoors where they may re-bloom within a year or two.

Forcing Flower Bulb Inspiration – Ideas for your Home

Maybe you will want to give this a try now?  I especially enjoy forcing Hyacinths for indoor enjoyment because of their sweet fragrance!  Thanks for letting me share and I hope you found this helpful and easy to understand.

Weekend DIY: Spray Painting Eye Sores

Furniture, Weekend DIY

Everyone’s got one – an eye sore. And no, not on your actual eye – we’re referring to that ugly collection of ducks you have in your front yard, or the hideous paint peeling furniture set that needs to be buried. Those are pretty extreme cases, but if you’ve got something in your yard that needs a overhaul, why not try simply spray painting it to add a little bit of new life to it?

Here are some examples of how just a little spray paint goes a long way – and it’s cheap!

Young House Love

Mama Roots

Apartment Therapy

Kristen Mee

Young House Love

So now that you’re convinced, here is what you’ll need: spray paint, a primer if you want extra coverage or you think the paint won’t stick to the surface (some spray paint has a primer already in it), and newspaper or cardboard to protect the ground. (Oh, and a beautiful day also helps!)

Spray paint sticks to most surfaces, but if you fear your object is in need of a good sanding or needs smoothing out, you may want to sand the piece. Then wipe everything down to remove any remaining dust or dirt. Next, add primer if you think your object needs it. Get your object out in the yard and situate it on the ground on top of newspaper or cardboard and get spraying! It’s best to give the object, multiple, very thin coats versus one single heavy coat. What’s also great about spray paint is that it dries very fast, meaning you won’t have to wait too long to begin another coat. You may also want to avoid a windy day outside in case you get dust/debris landing on your object drying within the spray paint.

Let your object dry completely (follow on-can instructions) and presto, done! Say so long to that eye sore!

Happy weekend!

Creative Amaryllis Ideas

Gardening, Gifts, Outdoor Decor

Finding affordable holiday flowers for decorations this time of year is a bit tricky due to the fact the flowers you’d be purchasing are being imported from another (warmer) country.

However, one blooming bulb, the Amaryllis, is an easy-to-grow indoor bulb that adds the perfect elegance and holiday cheer to any arrangement you’re wanting to create. Amaryllis come in multiple colors such as reds, whites, multi-colors and pinks. You can buy them as a kit or just as a bulb and plant inside your own pot. Plus, they are easy to find this time of year – purchase them online, in stores or catalogs.

Now that you are itching to grow an Amaryllis, check out these creative and unique ways of incorporating them into your holiday decor…

Martha Stewart



Martha Stewart


Amaryllis :)
Alexan Events

My Design Dump

Weekend DIY: Potting an Amaryllis

Gardening, Gifts, Weekend DIY

With Halloween done and over, everyone seems to be in the holiday mood, dreaming of Thanksgiving and Christmas. I’ve heard countless people say how they can’t wait until they can listen to Christmas music, watch their favorite holiday movie, and enjoy a nice holiday latte in their holiday cups at their favorite coffee shops. So, why hold back? Let’s jump on the bandwagon and get into the holiday mood this weekend!

Now is the perfect time to pot an amaryllis bulb and get it growing for blooms in time for the holidays. These gorgeous flowers create the perfect centerpieces for your family get-togethers, and even make great gifts! Not sure what an Amaryllis is? Amaryllis bulbs are one of the best flower bulbs for indoor forcing and are typically used for this purpose. Bulbs typically begin to sprout within two weeks of planting in soil without requiring any pre-chilling. The blooms of these large bulbs range in color from white, pink, red, or orange and resemble multiple trumpets in shape. The blooms typically appear within 4-8 weeks of planting and can adorn your house for as long as four weeks!


First, you’ll need to pick-up an Amaryllis bulb. Right now you can find them everywhere… online, local retail stores and even at Willard & May. You can buy them just as a bulb and use your own pot and soil, otherwise there are many kits out there that include a nice pot and soil.  Always plant your amaryllis within 2 weeks of purchasing them in order to assure quality (not dried out or not mushy). Also, buy the biggest bulb you can find! The bigger the bulb, the bigger and more numerous the blooms! Take a look at this comparison of two different size bulbs:

Here are the details on how to pot them…

  1. If purchased as part of a kit, place soil disk in the provided pot along with warm water. Allow disk to sit in water for approximately five minutes. The disk will begin to expand as it soaks up the water. As it expands, the soil can be “fluffed” with a fork to fill the pot.
  2. If no soil disk is provided, simply use a nutrient-rich potting soil in any desired pot which is approximately 2″ wider and 2″ deeper than the diameter of the bulb. Be sure that whichever container is used has adequate drainage as these bulbs do not like to sit wet.
  3. Plant the bulb so that the pointed end is up and just protruding from the surface of the soil.
  4. Water well and place in an area of your home which stays warm and receives indirect sunlight.
  5. Continue to provide water on a weekly basis to keep soil slightly moist but not wet.
  6. Set these beautiful blooms out in a spot where everyone can enjoy them – like the counter or an entry way!
Finally, once your amaryllis bulb has bloomed and faded, here are some tips (from the Bulb Blog) in order to get more blooms the following year!


Happy Weekend!


Weekend DIY: Preparing your Grill for Winter

Outdoor Party, Weekend DIY

Many people don’t want to face reality that it might be time to hang up your grilling tools for the winter. But your grill will appreciate the extra time you spend to prepare it for winter before it’s covered in snow. And come that first semi-warm day your grill will greet you all shiny and new-looking in spring!

(Image Source: Lowes)

Here is what you’ll need to winterize your grill: cooking oil spray, tape, plastic bags and household cleaning supplies.

1. Cook your final grilling meal (we’re doing shish-ka-bobs this weekend) to mentally prepare yourself!

2. Give your grill a good cleaning using general household cleaners. Make sure you get in all the nooks and tight areas and scrape away food and grease. If you have stubborn stains, try a foaming oven cleaner spray.

3. Shut off the gas (if you use a gas grill). Unscrew the burners and remove the gas tubes from the gas line. Refer to your manual if you are unsure how to do this step. Keep the shut-off propane tank outside (not inside!), you should also cover it. Also, cover the gas opening with a plastic bag.

4. Coat the burners and other metal parts with cooking oil spray to repel moisture, build-up and to help prevent rusting. Cover the burner with a plastic bag to prevent insects from creeping in. That problem can cause uneven flames in the spring.

What if you have a Charcoal Grill? Well, you do almost the same. Follow steps 1 and 2 while also dumping the used charcoal. Grease from food can build-up in the charcoal creating a cement like layer at the bottom of the grill. Overtime it will build up and be less efficient so it is important to clean that out each fall. You also can store your grill in your garage since there is not flammable gas to worry about.

For detailed photo steps of this process, head over to The Family Handyman.

Happy weekend! What are you going to grill?


Fall Pumpkin Ideas

Outdoor Decor

Pumpkins aren’t just for carving Jack-O-Lanterns anymore! Word on the street is you can use paint, tacks, washi tape, and more to transform your pumpkins. If you’ve bought your pumpkin either from a farm or the store, why not try out one of these unique and different ideas for adding a fall flare to your front porch?

Chevron Pumpkins – via My Sweet Savannah and Wit&Whistle

Decoupage Pumpkins – via HGTV


Jack-O-Lantern Totem Pole – via HGTV

Washi Tape Pumpkins – via It’s Overflowing

Embellished Pumpkins with Tacks – via Madigan Made

Owl Pumpkin – via Better Homes & Garden

And, if you’re crazy for pumpkin seeds, you can try any one of these methods after removing the seeds and pumpkin guts (for lack of a better term) and bake! This will actually help make your pumpkin rot slower as well, since it will have less of the perishable insides. Did you do something creative with your pumpkins this year? If so, share it with us below!